Your chance to meet the vet behind our Christmas Appeal

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08 November 2011
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Join OneKind in Edinburgh on Wednesday 14 December for a free screening of ‘Sleeping Ruff’ and the chance to hear from a vet who runs clinics for homeless pets.

This Christmas, OneKind is asking you to donate to bring some festive cheer to homeless pets.  Too many companion animals of homeless people have to stay out on the streets, even in the harsh cold of midwinter, as very few hostels allow them to stay with their owner.  But, in two homeless hostels in Edinburgh, not only are pets allowed to stay, but lecturers and final year students from the Royal (Dick) Vet School provide a free clinic for homeless pets – open to anyone who needs the services.

OneKind is hosting a free film screening of ‘Sleeping Ruff’ at the Augustine United Church on George IV Bridge, Edinburgh on Wednesday 14 December from 6pm, with a Q&A afterwards by Dr Andrew Gardiner, who started the free clinics.

‘Sleeping Ruff’ is a 30 minute documentary about Edinburgh street dogs and their people, shown as part of the Saltire Society Grierson Award for Short Documentary at the 2004 Edinburgh International Film Festival.

Documenting the important role companion animals hold for homeless people, companion and motivator of homeless pets, the film will be followed by a short talk and Q&A by Dr Gardiner, where you will have the opportunity to find out more about the vital work for a very vulnerable group of animals OneKind is supporting this Christmas.

The event is free, but spaces are limited, so please register on Facebook, call 0131 225 6039 or email to book.

And don’t forget you can donate here to support OneKind’s appeal for vulnerable animals - a donation will help provide a Christmas gift and a free vet check to a homeless pet, as well as support OneKind’s vital campaigns throughout 2012 to protect all kinds of animals, all over the country.

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