Staffing the stall at the sunny Staffie day out

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03 June 2010

On Saturday Esme and I took the OneKind message to a local Staffie Rescue fun day and dog show at the Archerfield Estate in East Lothian. We met people and their pets of all different shapes and sizes, from a 4 month old puppy to Lucy, a gentle and serene 16-year-old greyhound.

One thing we all had in common was knowing that our canine friends are capable of thoughts and feelings (and wrapping us around their wee paws).

In between stints of manning the OneKind stand, I walked around and watched all the dogs enjoying the sunshine. It was amazing to see so many different personalities.

Both owners and dogs alike were smacking their lips at the gorgeous cupcakes that were on sale – we really aren't that different!

I met a lovely little girl who was doing a school project on animals. For her the notion that animals can feel was already the default view; it never occurred to her to believe otherwise.

This is the exciting thing about OneKind, it has the power to reconnect people with this view. I found that children in particular really loved our magazines and twistbands, and had the most to say about their pets!

It was such a fantastic day at this beautiful estate and luckily it stayed sunny (until the last half hour!) It was wonderful meeting people who are so passionate about animals and who go above and beyond their normal routines to help them.

I met many people who foster dogs, as well as a dog behaviourist who gives misunderstood dogs another chance at happiness. I for one believe that animals deserve our respect and, especially being a dog owner, I know I get the love back tenfold.

On a personal note, I was very proud when Esme won 4th place in the 'Best Rescue' category. She has been with me 9 weeks now, and her past seems so distant.

So many dogs there were rescues and rehomes, all wonderful in their own ways; animals which have given humans a second chance in my book, not the other way round.

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