Cupcakes and Cava - sweet success for OneKind

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09 May 2011
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On April 28th, OneKind brought together a group of people from a range of backgrounds to chat about animals, enjoy good company and scoff scrummy animal-friendly cupcakes!

Cupcakes and Cava was held at The Life Craft in Glasgow's stylish West End and was attended by 35 lucky folk. Lucky....because they tasted some of the finest cupcakes you could ever wish to find. These beautiful creations were donated by Tea Loves Cake, Liggy's Cake Company and the venue. 

Revellers marvelled at the multitude of colour and flavour on display, as they faced a mouth-watering evening ahead. Our night began with a taste test, the venue's very own Guinness cupcakes went down a storm and looked to be the early pace setter for the favourite of the night. 

Tea Loves Cake provided an array of beautiful vegan cupcakes, with the Black Forest cupcake a real stand out for all who tried it. It was a real taste sensation, cherry jam bursting out as soon as you took a bite. Yummy!

The sparkly cupcakes from Liggy's were last to try, but certainly not least. They looked almost too pretty to bite into it, although I witnessed no actual they were devoured very quickly indeed. With all the cupcakes scoffed down, we had to determine who the favourite maker of the evening was.

It was a close run thing. However, The Life Craft took it. Their Guinness cupcake was lauded by many attendees on the night and Vonnie (owner of The Life Craft) was there to share in a wonderful evening with all who came along. When it came to the auction, I was delighted to see a couple of very exciting bidding wars occur. The two very special auction boxes donated by Tea Loves Cake raised £40.00 towards the total and were extremely popular.

All who came along, had a wonderful night. Don't take my word for it, see what Elaine Ellis had to say in this short (and quite noisy - sorry) video. You can see my personal photos from the evening too and add your own to the OneKind group on Flickr.

On the night we raised over £300 for OneKind, thank you to all come along. We could not have made this the evening that it was without YOU. Following the success of Cupcakes and Cava, watch this space for another evening coming soon.

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