Cow power - supporting better dairy

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25 June 2013
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Standing together, we can achieve our ultimate goal...

Happy cows website

OneKind supports the Better Dairy campaign organised by Compassion in World Farming, World Society for the Protection of Animals and Ben and Jerry’s, aimed at achieving a much-needed EU directive on dairy cow welfare. 

Specific EU regulations already safeguard other farm animals, but dairy cows have no such protection, meaning that welfare standards vary greatly across the EU.  Health problems such as mastitis and lameness are widespread, as is infertility and low life expectancy.  Cows can suffer injuries due to cramped or poorly designed housing, while lack of access to pasture means that many cows never see the outdoors and are denied the chance to express natural bovine behaviour.

We’ve watched in admiration as our partners romanced MEPs in Holland, went retro in the UK, protested in the streets of Prague, proved small things make a big impact in Berlin, and generally had a great year getting public and parliamentary support.

Now it’s our turn to do our bit. In October, Better Dairy presents its petition for a new directive to the European Commission. It now has an amazing 180,000 signatures and counting – but 70,000 more signatures are still needed to prove that Europe's citizens care about cows.

Please, will you make sure you’ve signed the Better Dairy petition and sent it to your friends?

So spread the moos,  join with Better Dairy, and let's make Europe's politicians listen! 

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