Could YOU foster a pet and help a family?

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24 May 2013
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Domestic abuse is Scotland’s greatest shame. And tragically, as family members, pets can end up receiving a share of the violence as well as the love.

Medics against violence poster

The Medics Against Violence Domestic Abuse Veterinary Initiative (MAV/DAVI) works to help all members – humans and animals – of families affected by domestic abuse.  MAV/DAVI raises awareness of the abuse of people and animals, trains vets to recognise and deal with potential victims, and provides a confidential reporting facility.

We know that some vulnerable people stay far too long in a violent situation, because they are afraid to leave a much-loved family pet behind.   With very few shelters for people fleeing abuse able to accept animals, there is a constant need for caring foster homes for victims’ pets.

MAV/DAVI is working with Pet Fostering Service Scotland (PFSS) to help provide foster care for those pets, until their families can reclaim them and settle down again together. At the moment PFSS are only able to support short-term fosterings and we urgently need more foster carers. That’s why we’d like to ask whether you might be able to volunteer as a MAV/DAVI foster carer.

We need foster carers with time and space for an open-ended commitment – possibly several months.  We need foster carers with resolve and resilience.  In return, you will have a grateful companion and the support of MAV/DAVI and PFSS.  And you will know you have found a practical – and rewarding – way to help people and animals in our community.

If you are interested in being assessed as a foster carer, you can apply direct via the PFSS website or by emailing  Or just give us a call here at OneKind to find out more about MAV/DAVI and how you can help. We’d love to hear from you.

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