What does coalition government mean for animals?

John Robertson's avatar
John Robertson
12 May 2010

Uncertainty. But with a tinge of optimism … OneKind is hopeful that the incoming coalition government regime will accept that, in the face of major economic and social problems, it would be folly to prioritise the Conservative plan to repeal the Hunting Act 2004. And there is additional reassurance in the shape of correspondence from the office of Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg, published on the website of dedicated anti-hunt campaigner Brian May. Mr Clegg’s caseworker says:

“You will be pleased to hear that it has long been the policy of the Liberal Democrats, to oppose fox hunting with dogs, and we would certainly fight any attempt to make this legal again. Moreover, we also believe very strongly that the law on fox hunting should be fully enforced.

“It may interest you to know that a recent Early Day Motion entitled 'Public Support for the Hunting Act 2004' was signed by 30 of our MPs, including Vince Cable MP, Lib Dem Shadow Chancellor. The EDM read:

“That this House reaffirms its support for the Hunting Act 2004; notes the Ipsos MORI poll in September 2008 highlighting that three out of every four people in Britain do not want fox-hunting to be made legal again, and that 71 per cent of the rural community backs the ban on fox-hunting; notes that the rule of law applies to all individuals; and calls upon the Government to ensure the Act is enforced consistently.”

While this is a hopeful sign, Advocates for Animals works for the welfare of all animals and we are concerned that the issues may not receive the priority they need and deserve. We will continue to press the UK government on the importance of:

• ensuring meaningful recognition of animal sentience;
• improving protection for the millions of animals used in food production;
• replacing the use of animals in experiments;
• giving fair consideration to the welfare of wild animals; and
• introducing the necessary and long-awaited secondary legislation provided for by the Animal Welfare Act 2006.

Check back for our analysis of how the candidates responded to messages from Advocates for Animals’ supporters, raising ten key animal welfare issues. It’s coming soon - and THANK YOU to everyone who took the action!

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