OneKind blog

It’s time to ban Snares

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03 October 2013

Cruel, indiscriminate, primitive – and legal.  Why? As the pheasant shooting season gets underway this month, OneKind is launching a high...

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empty snare

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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05 September 2013

Internet Advertising, Bullfighting and Raptor Persecution. Forgive the clichéd headline. Whilst it may be overused these days it is a throwback...

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UK pet sales law past its sell-by date

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04 September 2013

OneKind supports new internet advertising initiative. The Pet Advertising Advisory Group (PAAG), of which OneKind is a member, has today launched...

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OneKind’s Campaigning Priorities

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15 August 2013

Focussing on less means we can achieve more OneKind is a relatively small organisation and has to prioritise its focus of work with a view to...

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The shocking effect of electric collars

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31 July 2013

Call to ban sale of electric shock collars. Last weekend I took our family Labrador Declan along to a lead training workshop at the wonderfully named...

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Declan and John

Fewer than 20% of snare users have obtained ID tag

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30 July 2013

Only 915 snare users to date have the identification number required by law. Questions in the Scottish Parliament revealed last week that only 915...

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Poland rejects slaughter without stunning

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18 July 2013

Victory for animal welfare in Poland as Parliament rejects a bill to legalise slaughter without stunning. The debate on slaughter without prior...

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Cow being transported for slaughter

Over four million animals used in GB scientific procedures

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16 July 2013

The number of experiments started on animals in Great Britain has topped 4 million for the first time in over thirty years. In 2012, 4.03 million...

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Committee threatens circus animal ban. Take action now!

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09 July 2013

Parliamentary Committee ignores public wishes on animal ban - take action below. We have just been informed that the UK Government has received a...

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Scotland and Wales move towards decision on wild animal circus ban

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03 July 2013

Joint statement from animal protection organisations. The Born Free Foundation, British Veterinary Association, Captive Animals’ Protection...

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Circus tiger

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Saving Scotland's Foxes with Hessilhead