OneKind blog

Light-touch dog licensing scheme will promote responsible ownership

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28 March 2014

On the day of the Scottish Government’s Responsible Dog Ownership summit in Edinburgh, OneKind has proposed a new licensing scheme to address...

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boy with dog

Tragic inevitability of latest zoo deaths

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26 March 2014

News came yesterday of lions killed at Copenhagen Zoo. We may deplore the latest announcement that captive wild animals held in a European zoo have...

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Lion cub

Dangerous dogs or dangerous owners?

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25 March 2014

The first part of ITV's two-part documentary on dangerous dogs made for pretty depressing viewing. Sadly I am exposed to so much cruelty and suffering...

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To dock or not to dock?

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04 March 2014

The legislation which banned the docking of dogs’ tails was a huge victory for those who campaigned to make this mutilation illegal. OneKind...

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Undocked dog

Pile ‘em high approach to chicken farming ignores welfare codes

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03 March 2014

An article in the Sunday Herald this weekend highlights a disturbing development in the broiler chicken industry. Journalist Rob Edwards investigated...

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Chicken feet

Breeding captives does nothing for wild animals

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10 February 2014

If anything good can emerge from the heart-rending story of Marius, the 18-month-old giraffe killed yesterday at Copenhagen Zoo, it will be that the...

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Greek law on animal performances stands unchanged

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03 February 2014

Animal welfare organisations pull together to champion ban on dolphin shows. As a member of Eurogroup for Animals, OneKind was pleased to respond to...

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Tory MP the dog’s b*llocks for raising electric shock collar issue in Parliament

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30 January 2014

Campaigners like me work tirelessly to push animal welfare higher up the priority list on the political agenda but understandably there will always be...

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Dogs at Scottish Parliament

Scottish Government consults on wild animals in circuses in Scotland

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22 January 2014

OneKind is pleased to see the newly-published consultation from the Scottish Government, asking “Should the use of wild animals in travelling...

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Circus elephant

Welcome ban for dog neglect owner

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17 January 2014

OneKind has welcomed a Sheriff’s decision to ban a man who starved and neglected his pet dog from keeping animals . OneKInd also...

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Dog's nose

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Saving Scotland's Foxes with Hessilhead