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Leave a gift to Scotland’s animals in your will

If and when the time is right, please consider leaving OneKind a gift in your will.

Elephants walking together

Gifts from wills are an important source of income for OneKind and will help us with our vital work to end cruelty to Scotland's animals through campaigns, research and education. If you have any questions or would like to discuss leaving OneKind a gift in your will please get in touch with Lisa Dove on 0131 661 9734 or

How your legacy could be a better world for animals

OneKind has a long history of making a big impact on the lives of animals. In recent times, for example, we stopped the hegehog cull on the Uists, helped make hunting with dogs illegal, ended the indiscriminate killing of seals and got the docking of puppies tails banned. By changing laws to protect animals we stop cruelty from happening - forever. None of these succeses would have been possible without generous legacies from our supporters. Leaving a legacy to OneKind, no matter the size, will help us have more such successes in the future, helping us end cruelty to Scotland's animals for good.

Types of legacy

There are three types of legacy:

  • Residuary - where the legacy is expressed as a percentage or remainder of your estate after expenses and other gifts have been deducted
  • Pecuniary - a gift of a specified amount of money
  • Specific - where a particular item – such as property, jewellery, or shares is bequeathed

You might also consider a reversionary legacy – or lifetime gift. This could be appropriate if you need to ensure that relatives or friends are provided for after you die. You can leave your house or income for their benefit during their lifetime. On their death, the property or any remaining income can be passed to OneKind.

Speak to your solicitor for more information about legacies.

What your solicitor needs to know

If you decide to leave a gift to OneKind in your will, these are the details your solicitor will need:

Our name – OneKind
Address – 50 Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh, EH7 5DL
Scottish Charity Number – SCO41299

Adding a legacy to your will

If you have already written your will and want to include OneKind, you can do this by adding a codicil to your existing will.

You should always consult your solicitor when completing a codicil or reviewing your will and please, do not write on or amend your current will, as this could become invalid.

Already left a legacy for OneKind?

If you’ve already left a gift to OneKind, thank you. Please let us know so we can keep you up to date with what’s happening at OneKind.

However, you don’t have to tell us if you’ve left a legacy to OneKind, it’s entirely up to you.  If you do send us any information it will be treated as confidential and we will not share your information with any third parties.

If you would like to be kept in touch, just email your name and address to