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Take a stand against cruelty to Scotland’s animals.
Join us today for as little as £3 a month

If you live outside of the UK - you can become an International Friend of OneKind for just £36 per year.

Making a real difference to the lives of animals

  • Anyone used to be able to shoot seals in Scotland. OneKind got Government to introduce licensing and strict restrictions, saving thousands of seals’ lives.
  • All Scottish dogs have tails to wag as OneKind got a ban on the docking of dogs tails in Scotland. 
  • OneKind played a key role in securing the Protection of Wild Mammals Act in Scotland, making hunting hares and foxes with dogs illegal.
  • Thousands of hedgehogs were to be killed in the Uist islands to protect birds. OneKind’s opposition meant that they were humanely moved off the island and relocated instead. 
  • Our long campaign to ban the use of animals in circuses has kept Scotland largely free of circus animals and we are now on the brink of a ban.
  • OneKind investigations revealed the growing exotic pet trade in Scotland, forcing the Government to commit to a complete review of how the industry is regulated.

Join us today - make a difference

We investigate and uncover animal cruelty, lobby politicians and businesses to change laws and protect animals, and campaign so that the plight of Scotland’s animals can never be ignored. And we won’t stop until every animal in Scotland has a good life and is free from cruelty at the hands of humans.

We don’t take money from Government, so we rely on people like you. People who understand that if we’re to end cruelty forever, laws and attitudes need to change.

OneKind is a small but highly effective charity, which means your membership donation goes a long way. We launched membership in May 2016 and need 1000 new members within the next year in order to keep our campaigns, lobbying and investigations going. If you join as one of our thousand new members, you know you’re making a huge difference, helping us stand up against cruelty and strengthening our voice for animals.

Join us today for as little as £3 a month

If you live outside of the UK - you can become an International Friend of OneKind for just £36 per year.

94% of expenditure is on campaigns research and education

Member benefits

Join today and you’ll get the OneKind magazine three times a year and a small but perfectly formed welcome pack with some unique gifts that help you get the OneKind message out there.

OneKind magazine